Shincheonji Online Bible Seminar Review on Revelation Chapter 14
[Testimony on Prophecy and Fulfillment of Revelation, God's New Covenant]
ShincheonjiChurch Online Bible Seminar
Revelation Chapter 14 <The 144000 first fruits of mount Zion>
Who are the 144,000 on Mt.Zion?
Revelation 14:1)
Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Fathers name on their foreheads.
When and where do the 144,000 become sealed?
✅Key points
the chapters that contrast with each other in revelation
The 144,000 in Re 14 are the same 144,000 who are sealed in Revelation chapter 7.
☑When does Revelation chapter 14 fulfill?
After the events of Revelation chapter 13, at the time of harvest events in revelation chapter 13. (After the chosen people receive destruction due to betrayal.
☑ The location of events
At Mt. Zion, before God's throne.
✅The flow of Revelation chapter 14
Rev 14: 1~5) the sealed on Mt. Zion
Rev 14: 6~8) the eternal gospel the new song
Rev 14: 9~12) the judgement those who receive the mark of the beast received
Rev 14:13-16) the ripened crops being harvested
Rev 14: 17~20) referencing the weeds who were not harvested, how they are judged
1. Who the sealed 144,000 at Mt. Zion are?
The spiritual Mt.Zion, figuratively compared to the physical Mt.Zion, appears at Revelation's fulfillment.
1) Mt. Zion
Isaiah 60:14) The sons of your oppressors will come bowing before you; all who despise you will bow down at your feet and will call you the City of LORD, Zion of the Holy One of Israel
Zechariah 2:7) "Come, O Zion! Escape, you who live the Daughter of Babylon!"
Mountains and seas of people = Many people have gathered to the scale of mountains and seas
☑The three types of mountains in Revelation
: The mountain of betrayal, the mountain of destruction, the mountain of salvation
Rev 11:8, Rev 8:8, Rev 17:9-10, Rev 14: 1)
2) The sealed 144,000
- They are the kingdom of priests of new spiritual Israel (Rev 7:1-8)
- They are the first fruits who were harvested and sealed, wheat-like believers (Rev 14: 14-16)
3) recorded the name of God and Jesus on their foreheads
The name of God and Jesus is the Word in the beginning (Jn 1:1, 1 Jn 1:1-2)
4) the sound from the heaven
heaven = god's kingdom that has come down upon Mt. Zion
the sound = voice of God
5) 144,000 sing a new song
song = a gospel of prophecy (Deuteronomy 31:19)
new song = the gospel of the fulfillment of the prophecies
The time of the prophecy's fulfillment: The actual reality of the fulfillment is testified, not what was shown in vision in the prophecy
The new song : The Testimony of the fulfillment of Revelation's prophecy in reality
☑ Why only the 144000 can learn the new song
Because god's throne has come upon Mt.Zion.
Where the one who overcomes is = where the throne of God and Jesus is
☑ How important is a new song
It is a proof of confirming the 144000 and Mt. Zion
6) They did not defile themselves with women but kept themselves pure
woman: (a spiritual woman) a shepherd (Gal 4:19, Co 1 3:2, Th 2 1:2)
prostitute : the false shepherd (Rev 2:20, Rev 17:1-5)
pure : they did not commit adultery with evil spirits but kept their faith
7) They follow the lamb wherever he leads
They only listen and obey to Jesus' word
8) They were purchased among men and offered as first fruits
10) They belong to God and to the lamb
11) No lie was found in their mouths and they are blameless
Not knowing "the new song," "Mt. Zion," and, "the firstfruits" testifies that one has not heard the new song.
Revelation is hidden as a mystery until it is fulfilled.
No one can lie about Revelation when it's fulfilled, since its reality appears.
One can go to heaven at the time of Revelation's fulfillment by perceiving and believing, instead of adding or subtracting.
2. The eternal gospel
: The gospel is the testimony of the fulfillment of the prophecies that have been promised
The gospel of the fulfillment of the Old Testament was testified for 2,000 years since the First Coming.
The testimony of the fulfillment of Revelation, which is the New Testament and the new covenant, is the eternal gospel.
☑ who gives the testimony of the new song?
The promised Shepherd and the 144,000 on Mt. Zion
2) Collapsing big castle, Babylon
the reality of Babylon : the organization of the prostitute and the beast she rides (Rev 17:5-7)
all nations : all churches
adultery : having a relationship with satan
the maddening wine of adultery : false teachings
the reason for judgment : the sin of destroying heaven's tabernacle and all nations
3. What is the judgment that those who receive the mark of the beast receive?
the beast : the destroyers that devoured god's tabernacle
his idols : the false shepherds the destroyers raised
those who received the mark : the congregation members of the tabernacle of heaven that betrayed in Revelation chapter 13
2) believers who endure and keep their faith
endurance: it is fighting and overcoming the beast until the time of salvation
4. How does the harvest of the ripe crops take place?
1) From now on (starting from now)
Apostle Paul: Killed the thoughts and sins of the flesh and used his life to fulfill what belongs to God (Co 1 15:31)
Now is the time of Revelation's fulfillment, the time to create the new kingdom and people of God's reign.
Those who die in the Lord at the time of Revelation's fulfillment
Those who die to themselves and work for God's kingdom and righteousness.
blessings : the blessing of eternal life ( Jn 11:25-26)
2) a sickle used harvest and ripe crops
☑ The process of being harvested
(1) Promised to create the new thing after ending Physical Israel : there will be two types seeds the offspring of man and animal planted in the house of Israel and Judah in one field.
(2) Jesus planted the good seeds in his field at the time the enemy the devil planted more weeds the offspring of animal in that field.
(3) The time of harvest is the end of age
→Those who go to heaven and those who go to hell are separated.
(4) The field → angel → harvest
The first coming : sowed seed through people
The harvest : harvest through people
Wheat-like believers: Those who accept the word of testimony
Shepherds and their congregation alike must be harvested at the time of harvest.
(5) Where is the place that seals people with the new song?
→Zion Christian Mission Center
(6) Those who are not harvested
A shepherd who ties up people in bundles of weeds is a false shepherd.
Tying up people by saying, "Being harvested means joining a cult."
Those who accept the words of a false shepherd and remain in the field: proof that they are the weeds.
5. Who are the grapes that get judged?
The chosen people they are the congregation members of the tabernacle of heaven that betrayed and were thrown out to the den of the destroyers in Revelation chapter 13.
After the 144,000 are sealed, the multitude in white are created from the great tribulation.
Let us become one family born of God's seed.
Let us be harvested and go to the barn of heaven, the Twelve Tribes.
<Revelation Chapter 14>
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