[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] The Figurative Water, Spring, and River


[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] 

The Figurative Water, Spring, and River

Main Reference 
Rv 22:17
The Spirit and the bride say, 
"Come!" And let him who hears say, 
"Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; 
and whoever wishes, 
let him take the free gift of the water of life 

✅What are Realities of Figurative Water, Spring and River? 
Water = word of God 
Spring = pastor and temple 
River = heart of disciple and evangelist 


1. The Figurative Water 

Physical Characteristics
① Origin of life 
② Cleanse dirt 
③ Water that is drinkable, and undrinkable 

1) Real Meaning of Figurative Water 
Dt 32:1-2) Rain = my teaching / Dew = my Words 
Jn 15:3) Jesus = Word  become clean 
1 Pt 1:22) Truth: obey → purified your soul 

2) Type of Spiritual Water 
① God's water: Word of God 
② Satan's water: word of satan (false truth) 
Is 1:22) Silver → dross / Wine → diluted with water 

3) Water of Life that We Must Find (at First Coming) 
Am 8:11-12) Famine of food X, Thirst for water X, Famine of hearing words of Lord
Jn 7:37) Jesus - "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink"
Jn 3:32) Jesus: testified what he has seen and heard 
Mt 24:7) At end of age: wars, famines, and earthquakes 
Rv 22:17) Let him take free gift of water of life 
Rv 22:8) John: testified what he has seen and heard 

2. The Figurative Spring 

Physical Characteristics:
source where water flows from 
Prv 10:11) Mouth of righteous = spring of life, Mouth of wicked = spring of death 
Jn 4:14) Water Jesus gives spring of water welling up to eternal life = water of life 
Jesus = spring of living Water 

1) Spring of Living Water that We Must Find
Rv 7:17) Jesus: lead springs of living water 
Rv 10:8-11) Angel: open Book apostle John 

2) Spring of Satan 
2 Pt 2:17) Springs without water = Satan's pastors 

2. The Figurative River 

Physical Characteristics:
path where water flows 
Ex 47:1-12) Temple: water → river → sea: heals 
Jn 17:8) Jesus → disciples → world 
Rv 22:1-2) Throne (spring) : a pastor like Apostle John 
               Water of life : revealed word 
                   River : disciples, evangelist 
             Heals all nations 

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