[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] The Figurative Sea, Fisherman, Net, Fish and Ship

 [Shincheonji Church of Jesus] 

The Figurative Sea, Fisherman, Net, Fish and Ship

Main Reference 
Mt 13:47-48
47 "Once again, the kingdom of heaven is like a net that was let down into the lake (sea: NKJV) and caught all kinds of fish. 
48 When it was full, the fishermen pulled it up on the shore. Then they sat down and collected the good fish in baskets, but threw the bad away." 

✅What are Realities of Figurative Sea, Fisherman, Net, Fish and Ship?
Sea = world 
Fisherman = pastor 
Net = Word 
Fish = person 
Ship = church 


1. The Figurative Sea

Physical Characteristics
① Where many waters are gathered 
② Where different kinds of fish live 
③ People cannot drink it 

1) Who Lives in Sea?
Ps 74:13) Sea → monster, leviathan: crush 
Is 27:1) In that day: in sea → serpent, monster: slay 
Rv 12:9) Dragon= serpent = devil = Satan: one who leads whole world astray 

2) What is Sea? 
Dn 7:3) In a vision: sea  4 beasts 
Dn 7:17) Explanation: earth  4 kingdoms 
Rv 17:1) Great prostitute: false pastor of Satan 
       :15) Many waters: peoples, multitudes, nations and languages 
Sea: world of religion that Satan, devil, has hold of 
Sea water: false-truth of Satan 

3) Reality of Sea 
① Prophecies of Old Testament → Fulfillment at time of First Coming (reality of sea) 
Ez 47:8-9) Temple (spring): winter → river → sea: healed 
Mt 23:33) Pharisees and teachers of law: snakes → Judaism = sea 
② Prophecies of New Testament → Become fulfilled at time of Second Coming (reality of sea) 
Rv 22:1-2) From throne of God → river → all nations: healing of nations 
Rv 18:2-3) Babylon: maddening wine of adulteries → all nations: fall 

2. The Figurative Fisherman, Net, Fish and Ship 

Physical: fisherman → net  fish  ship (bowl) 
Spiritual: pastor → Word → people → church (heaven) 
Mt 4:18-19) Fisher of men 

Hb 1:14-15) 
14 You have made men like fish in the sea, like sea creatures that have no ruler. The wicked foe pulls all of them up with hooks, 
15 he catches them in his net, he gathers them up in his dragnet; and so he rejoices and is glad."  

Rv 18:17-19) Ship = church 
Captain = pastor 
Sailor = evangelist 
Passenger = congregation members of church 

1) Spring of Living Water that We Must Find
Rv 7:17) Jesus: lead → springs of living water 
Rv 10:8-11) Angel: open Book → apostle John 

2) Spring of Satan 
2 Pt 2:17) Springs without water = Satan's pastors 

3. The kingdom of Heaven = Parable of Catching Fish 

Mt 13:47-50) Into sea -net: good fish → in baskets = heaven 

Mt 24:37-39) 
37 As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son on Man. 
38 For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark; and they knew nothing about what would happen until the flood came and took them all away. 
39 That is how it will be at the coming of the Son of Man.

Main Point 
① Sea: world of Satan (=world of religion) 
② Fisherman: pastor and evangelist of God who evangelizes with God's Word 
③ Net: Word of heaven (revealed doctrine) 
④ Fish: believers in different denominations 
⑤ Ship (Bowl): church of God (=kingdom of heaven) from world 

[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] The Figurative Sea, Fisherman, Net, Fish and Ship

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  1. A good post - thank you. All seminars were real eye-openers. Chairman Lee is truly the promised pastor and messenger whom Jesus sent for the churches (Rev 22:8, 16). I see why many pastors, believers and those with a curiosity in Christianity are listening to the word from Shincheonji.


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