[Shincheonji Church] The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji

 [Shincheonji Church] The Correct Understanding of Bible and Shincheonji 

The war in Revelation chapter 2-3, was a spiritual and physical war between those who belong to God and those belong to the Devil. The war in Matthew 24, was also a spiritual and physical war. 

In revelation 6, Jesus judged the betrayers by using the four living creatures in the center and around the throne of God. In Revelation 6 and driven out to the gentiles died due to the war with the devil's soldiers. In Revelation 11, the promised pastor who received and ate the book that was opened in Revelation 10 and his helper, together as two witness(belong to God's side) had war with the devil's soldiers and both sides suffered damage, but in the end, God's side won. 

In Revelation 13, the beast with the seven heads and ten horns and the saints of the heaven tabernacle fought, and the beast won, causing the betrayed tabernacle saints to worship the beast (the events of Revelation 13 came before Revelation 12). In Revelation 12, the man(the male child) born of the woman clothed with the sun and his brothers fought and defeated the beast with seven heads and ten horns (the dragon), and the dragon was driven out. 

In Revelation 14, the sealed 144,000, that is, firstfruits gather on Mount Zion, sing a new song, and in the midst of them is the throne of God. In Revelation 15, God is the temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony where the overcomes gather, and all nations come here and worship. Do you know this place? Do you believe it? 

In Revelation 16, the overcomes of Revelation 12 and 15 were used as bowls to judge the betrayers and destroyers. Revelation 17 is a war within those who belong belong to the devil. There was a fight between the prostitute of Babylon, the kingdom of demon (the devil), and the 'beast with ten horns' of the devil, and the beast won, and the prostitute handed over the Babylon kingdom to the beast with ten horns. 

In Revelation 18, God directly judges Babylon with fire, but the judgment has not yet come because the time has not yet come (refer to Revelation 18:4). 

The wedding banquet of the Lamb in Revelation 19 takes place after the events of Revelation 18, but because the judgment of Babylon in Revelation 18 has not yet happened, the marriage with spirits and flesh in Revelation 19 has not been fulfilled. The first resurrection in Revelation 20 happens after the marriage with spirits and flesh in Revelation 19. 

In Revelation 21, after the first heaven and first earth disappear, the new heaven and new earth (Shincheonji) is revealed, and God and the spiritual world the Kingdom of heaven come to the new heaven and new earth. 

In Revelation 22, the river of water of life as clear as crystal flows from the throne of God and the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves are for the healing of the nations. 

It is I, John (new John at the time of Revelation's fulfillment) who has seen these, the entire Revelation 1 to 22 (Jesus' new name in Revelation 3:12), and it is I, John, who has been commanded to testify to the churches what was seen and heard (Revelation 22:8, 16). Saints who read the Book of Revelation can see and hear the fulfilled reality of Revelation through the one who has seen and heard all the events of entire chapters promised in Revelation. 

Those who add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation will not be able to enter heaven and will be cursed (plagues), but those who master the entire book of Revelation will be able to meet the Lord, enter heaven, and live in heaven with the Lord. Amen. 

Have you seen the tree of life in Revelation 22? If you wash your eyes with the water of life as clear as crystal, you will see what the tree of life looks like. Come and see where this tree of life is. 

There is the tree of life in Shincheonji, and twelve crops of fruits are yielding every month. The leaves of this tree of life are for the healing of the nations. You can see it and touch it. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Amen. Amen. 

The prophecies of Revelation and their actual entities cannot be added to or subtracted from. The prophecy in Revelation will be fulfilled, and when it is fulfilled, we will be able to see its actual entity. If you add to or subtract from the Book of Revelation, you will not be able to enter into heaven. 

Have you ever seen the tree of life in Revelation 22 that bears twelve crops of fruit each month? Can you recognize it when you see it? Fake believers, repent. The Lord is waiting at the door. 

✔️Shincheonji Church of Jesus: https://www.shincheonji.org/

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