[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] The Figurative Treasure and Rich Man


[Shincheonji Church of Jesus] 

The Figurative Treasure and Rich Man 

Main Referfence

Rv 3:17-18 
17 You say, 'I am rich; I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.' But you do not realize that you are wretched pitiful, poor, blind and naked. 
18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see. 

✅What are Realities of Figurative Treasure and Rich Man? 
Treasure = God's Word of Truth and God's chosen people  
Rich man = person who has a lot of spiritual treasure meaning knowledge of Word 


1. The Figurative Treasure 

Physical Characteristics
① precious and valuable
② does not change 

*Types of Treasure: gold, silver, pearls, gems, jewels 

1) The Figurative Gold and Silver 
Prv 16:16) Wisdom, Understanding → Gold, Silver 
Ps 12:6) God's Word (truth) = Pure Silver
Lam 4:2) Sons of Zion: treasure  Pure Gold 
Mt 25:14-30) Master → Servants: talents of gold  to sell 

2) The Figurative Pearl 
Mt 7:6) What is scared, do not give pearl to dogs or pigs 
Jn 17:17) Truth (=word of God sanctify 
Prv 3:15) Wisdom  more precious than rubies 

3) The Figurative Treasure
Dt 28:12) Storehouse of heaven  rain
Dt 33:13) Treasure in heaven  dew
Dt 32:2) Rain, dew = God's Word 
Mt 13:44) Kingdom of heaven = treasure hidden in field 

3) The Figurative Treasure
1 Pt 2:4) Precious living stone (jewel) 
Ex 28:15-21) High priest: breastplate  12 precious stones 
High priest = Jesus, 12 precious stones = 12 disciples 
Heb 10:1) law = shadow, not reality 
Jn 14:2) Jesus → going away to prepare place for us 
Rv 21:9) Spiritual realm: heaven = Holy city, new Jerusalem 
Mt 6:10) Physical realm: heaven "Your kingdom come", "On earth as it is in heaven"

Satan's Treasure (fake treasure)
Rv 17:4,5) Prostitute (Babylon) → dressed in gold, precious stones, and pearls 
Rv 18:2) Babylon = home for demons 

2. The Figurative Rich Man  

 Physical Characteristics
① someone who has a lot of gold 
② silver and precious stones 
*Type of Rich Man 
- Physical rich man 
- Spiritual rich man 

Physical Rich Man 
Mt 6:24) God and money: You cannot serve both 
Ex 28:15-21) Rich Man → hard for rich man to enter kingdom of heaven 

Spiritual Rich Man 
Gold, Silver, Precious Stones (God's treasure) ↔ Gold, Silver, Precious Stones (Satan's treasure) 

The Figurative Treasure and Rich Man [Shincheonji Church of Jesus]

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