[Shincheonji Church] The 6,000 Years of God's Work of Restoration


[Shincheonji Church] The 6,000 Years of God's Work of Restoration 

God has been doing the work of restoration since the sin of Adam, but the devil sabotaged it every time. This devil was the usual entity like in Ez 28. The saints have been used between God and the devil by the devil. This is because they were ignorant. 

The 6,000-year-long war between God and the devil is recorded in God's book, the Bible. The curtain came down on the war between God and the devil at the time of the fulfillment of the New Covenant Revelation. Who won? God won. With what? With Jesus' blood and the word of testimony (Rv 12:11). 

Rv 12:11) They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. 

This devil, that is, the dragon, is captured and locked away in the Abyss in Rv 20. From this time on, God and the kingdom of heaven come, the marriage of spirit and flesh takes place, and God reigns. At this time, how many people survive in the war in Revelation? It is the 144,00 people gathered on Mount Zion. They are also the only ones who are to sing the new song. The greatest number of people who belong to God out of the 6,000-year work survived. 

The war in Revelation is a war between God and the devil, and it is a war that each of the spirits and flesh [who belong to them] fight. What is unfortunate and embarrassing is that the saints who are supposed to receive salvation are unaware of this fact. Those who have added to or subtracted from this book, Revelation, cannot receive salvation, no matter how much they chatter on about Jesus, the church, and the Bible. If one compares the number of people who receive salvation and the number of Christians on earth at the time of Revelation's fulfillment, it would not even be one in a thousand. What shall be done? The traditional Christians' arrogance only increases day by day. They do not reflect on their incorrect faith. They call themselves orthodox as if they alone are saved, they go on and on calling Shincheonji a cult, and they do not even care about having added to and subtracted from Revelation. It says that if one adds to or subtracts from Revelation, he cannot enter the kingdom of heaven but will receive curses (plagues). 

Shincheonji, which they called a cult, masters Revelation. Who would receive salvation? Even a mere child would know this. The sealed 144,000 of Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony have mastered Revelation. Verify this. Hence, God and the kingdom of heaven come to Shincheonji. There is no one on earth who will receive salvation outside of those gathered in Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tabernacle of the Testimony. Shincheonji has truly been created according to the New Covenant Revelation. Verify this. This is Shincheonji's victory. Amen. 

✔️Shincheonji Church of Jesus: https://www.shincheonji.org/

✔️Apply for a free Bible Study : http://bit.ly/bible_080805


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